
Group Card

$5.50 USD

  • Unlimited messages on the card.
  • Message length is unlimited.
  • Add photos and GIFs to the card.
  • Upload your own cover design or choose from 100s of templates.
  • Download as a PDF or print or send to yourself.
  • Schedule the card to be sent automatically.
  • Add emails and we'll send invitations and reminders.

Group Card + Gift


  • Everything in Group Card.


  • Collect money online for a gift.
  • Give an eGift Card. Pay for it yourself or let everyone chip in online.
  • Complete control. Send the card when you are ready.
  • Secure payment processing.
  • Let them choose their own eGift Card - give the AnyCard.
  • Choose to collect a set amount, any amount and/or let everyone sign the card without chipping in.
  • Choose from 70+ eGift Cards, hampers and flowers.
  • Withdraw the funds for a small fee* (available in AU only).